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BDS Overview

Simplify your path to a BDS degree abroad with our expert student visa guidance. We specialize in making your dental education dreams a reality through streamlined visa processes and personalized assistance. Trust us to guide you toward a bright future in dentistry with a smooth student visa journey.

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Embark on your BDS adventure with confidence, as we navigate the intricacies of student visa applications for dental studies. Our dedicated team ensures a seamless process, allowing you to focus on mastering your dental skills. Secure your BDS student visa effortlessly with our specialized support and expertise.

  • Read, listen, and then speak in response to a question.
  • Listen and then speak in response to a question

Cources We Offered

Moment blinded by desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their which is the same as shrinking.

Obtain pain of itself because it is pain but because occasionally occur all in which toil and pain.

BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery)
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Choose Your Pack

"Discover Your Perfect Fit: Explore and Select from Our Range of Tailored Packs for Your Unique Journey."

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FEE Includes

Best Plan for Individual Student

  • Course fee

    Initial With Documents: $500
    Tuition Fee BDS (1st semester)

  • Hostel fee (1st semester)
    pre & Post Arrival Support
    pick and drop
    (Fist time Airport to university)

  • Development fund
    University Registration
    Visa Documentation

  • Government Register
    (1st semester)
    Admission Fee

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Term and Condition:

  • Mandatory Government Charges:

    Government Registration Charges [OVIR], from 2nd Semester onward will be paid by student on actual.

    Charges basis, which is approximately $120 [6 Month], depending on Government Rules.

  • Other Term and Condition:

    Hostel and Mess is Compulsory during 1st year of study.

    Mess is Compulsory for students staying in Hostel.

  • Mess Charges $1200 each Semester. Moreover, hostel charges are $700 each semester, Mess is not payable on monthly basis.

    Semester charges for MD are fixed USD $1500 without hostel.

  • Actual USD rates on the date of payment shell apply.

    VISA Expenses and Ticket/Travel Expense up to Namangan, Uzbekistan will be paid by the Student.